
Ekol with Google Cloud reduce costs while increasing agility


Previously, Ekol were contracted to a fully managed service covering application, databases and server platform. The solution was both costly and gave them limited scope to control the constituent parts. NGC provided consultancy services.

The Challenge 

This enterprise consumer services company was looking to make their board of directors and their developers happier with their IT landscape when they started to evaluate switching cloud providers. Ultimately, they were looking to meet a number of goals that their current cloud was missing, including, reduce cost and Improve agility, scalability, and security.

The Solution   

For their migration, they decided to migrate a number of types of applications, including:Customer-facing web and mobile applications Software creation / developer platforms and tools, dev/test infrastructure,To do their migration, this enterprise opted to do a rehost (aka, pure lift and shift) where they moved things as-is from their previous cloud to Google Cloud.


Within just months of their migration to Google Cloud, they were yielding significant benefits and seeing a large improvement across all of the following key areas, reduced IT costs,reduced IT maintenance labor, reduced hardware procurement time ,reduced on prem hardware costs.